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The Path of Resilience: Lessons from Marcus Aurelius to Modern Teams

Written by Dan Kasper | Mar 18, 2024 10:44:14 PM

"The obstacle is the way." - Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor ~170CE

Marcus Aurelius, one of Rome's greatest emperors, left behind words that have endured through centuries, teaching us the value of facing challenges head-on. His philosophy, deeply rooted in Stoicism, suggests that the path to true growth and resilience lies not around the obstacles we encounter but directly through them. 

In today’s workspaces, one key factor that separates the highest performers from the rest is how resilient they are to challenges.  This timeless principle forms the bedrock of my approach to cultivating successful teams, in any field where adversity is a constant companion.

The good news is that this is a trait any of us can grow in, and I’ve simplified it into two phases: Zoom In and Zoom Out.

Zoom In: Focus on the Here and Now

Resilience begins with a focused, microscopic view of our challenges. This "zoom in" approach allows us to break down overwhelming tasks into manageable micro-wins. It's about asking, "What can I achieve today?" or "What's my next immediate step?" Sometimes, instead of looking at the marathon, we need only to get to the next mile marker.  When a task feels daunting, I stop and segment out the smallest unit of measurement I should be focusing on right now.

Another aspect of zooming in focuses on our internal narrative.  By reframing our perspective, we can shift from a mindset of avoidance to one of acceptance and forward momentum. Focusing on what we can control, rather than being paralyzed by the uncontrollable, allows us to channel our energy more productively. Accepting discomfort as a part of the growth process, visualizing success, and understanding that falling is not failing but a step towards learning are all crucial strategies in this concentrated view of resilience.

Zoom Out: Manage your Perspective

Zooming out provides us with a broader perspective on resilience.  First, visualize your success.  Picture yourself getting that trophy or crossing that finish line.  Visualization is a key way to push through challenges.  Second, put in the proactive work.  This means surrounding myself with resilient people to hone in the skill of resiliency.  One way to engage in resilience conditioning is by deliberately choosing challenging paths - like taking the stairs over the escalator or embracing a cold shower - which trains our minds to opt for resilience as a default setting.

Surrounding ourselves with resilient individuals is another key component. A mantra that has stuck with me for years is that we become like the five people we spend the most time around. Think about that. What characteristics in your own approach to work and life can you see emulated in the five people you engage with the most? Their stories of perseverance? Their relentless pursuit of goals amidst adversity? Or perhaps some traits you’d rather not mimic? 

Finally, using humor as a coping mechanism is another powerful tool. Even in the toughest of times, finding moments of levity can help balance the seriousness of the situation, providing much-needed relief and strengthening team bonds.

Practical Takeaways for Cultivating Team Resilience

My own journey went from the disciplined structure of Special Operations to the innovative chaos of Silicon Valley. I've distilled these practices into tangible strategies for leaders looking to foster resilience within their teams. Here’s what you can do to cultivate resilience in yourself and on your team:

Celebrate Micro-Wins: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate small achievements within your team. This builds momentum and keeps morale high.

Encourage Positive Narratives: Foster an environment where team members feel empowered to reframe challenges positively, focusing on growth and learning opportunities.

Embrace the Suck: This was a hallmark from my Special Ops days. Facing obstacles, and even willingly choosing the harder path, is a powerful way to build resilience. 

Empower Through Autonomy: Give team members control over their work and the decision-making process within their roles. This enhances their sense of ownership and responsibility.

Practice Resilience Conditioning: Challenge your team with tasks that push them out of their comfort zones in a supportive environment to build their resilience.

Cultivate a Supportive Community: Encourage connections within the team that are based on mutual respect, understanding, and resilience. Share stories of overcoming adversity to inspire each other.

Incorporate Humor: Don't underestimate the power of humor to diffuse tension and build camaraderie. A team that can laugh together is more cohesive and resilient.

In the words of Marcus Aurelius, facing the obstacle head-on, not only do we find a way through it, but we emerge stronger, more adept, and resilient. It is in embracing these challenges, much like the stoic emperor, that we find our path to resilience and, ultimately, to success.

Integrating these strategies into your team's culture can significantly enhance resilience, but the journey doesn't end there. At Instill, we've developed the Culture Operating System™, designed to measure and improve upon the vital signs of your organization's culture, including resilience. Our platform provides leaders with real-time insights and actionable recommendations to strengthen the resilience of their teams, ensuring that they're not only prepared to face current challenges but are also equipped to tackle future obstacles with confidence and agility. By prioritizing resilience as a key component of your cultural DNA, you can foster an environment where your team not only survives but thrives, regardless of the hurdles that come their way. Let Instill guide you in transforming resilience from a concept into a tangible asset for your team, propelling you towards unparalleled success.