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Building a Strong Culture: Steps for Success

Written by Dan Kasper | May 26, 2023 9:57:36 PM

In today's competitive business landscape, building a healthy organizational culture is paramount to long-term success. In our previous article, we explored the importance of measuring organizational culture using AI and introduced the Culture Vital Signs that our team of experts uncovered (Resilience, Innovation, Psychological Safety, inclusion and Trust). The true value lies in the subsequent "build" phase, where organizations take actionable steps to cultivate a strong and thriving culture. At Instill, we believe in the power of deep science and physiology to build smarter, higher-performing teams with exceptional behaviors and cultures. Let's explore the key ways Instill helps organizations in the build phase and the clear steps to take for a successful culture-building journey.

For too long, organizations have been throwing darts at a wall full of CVs, not knowing if the people they hire are actually a good fit for the culture they are trying to encourage. Then, when they have the people on the bus, they don’t know how to foster and advance a culture that helps teams and the entire organization thrive. We set out to change all that. 

Clarifying Culture and Codifying Values:

To build a strong culture, organizations need clarity on the culture they currently have, the culture they aspire to, and the culture that will help them best achieve their business’ mission and goals. Instill helps organizations codify their culture by creating a system of record for vision, mission, and values. This intentional approach ensures that the culture is well-defined, purposeful, and ingrained in every aspect of the organization. Essentially, we help you assess whether the culture you are currently presenting matches the vision you are pursuing. 

Automating Culture Onboarding:

Instill streamlines the culture onboarding process, making it seamless and efficient. By leveraging AI-powered tools and techniques, organizations can automate the onboarding process, ensuring that new hires quickly assimilate into the desired culture. This approach saves time and resources while fostering a sense of belonging and alignment from day one. The people joining your team will be energized from day one by the culture you are presenting, and this process will ensure that they quickly become active contributors to the culture’s continued success. 

Creating Optimal Teams:

Instill recognizes the importance of creating optimal teams for specific purposes. From the hiring process onwards, we assist organizations in finding candidates who align with the company's values while bringing diverse perspectives. Instill also provides guidance on optimizing team composition for different functions. Say you are looking to hire an engineering team uniquely set up to increase innovation—our guides help you do that.  Our system considers psychometrics (individual wiring) and values alignment to help you hire the best people. This ensures that teams are well-equipped to collaborate effectively and achieve exceptional results from day one. 

Practical Recap: Key Steps to Build a Strong Culture


Building a strong culture starts with having a clear vision of the ideal culture for your company. We help you define the desired culture and outline the necessary steps. The big takeaway is that “culture” is happening whether you know it or not, but a strong and thriving culture requires an intentional investment of time, focus, and resources. The good news is that every bit of intentional investment in culture brings exponential growth. We even help you calculate just how much return this sort of investment could bring your organization. 

Lead by Example:

Culture is not just what is said; it is demonstrated through behavior. Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the culture by modeling the desired behaviors and values. By measuring team dynamics and making minor daily adjustments or "nudges," leaders can reinforce the desired culture over time. We can’t simply stand on our desks and shout aloud the new culture of our company and assume it shall be so (that sounds like a great plot point for the sitcom, The Office); in reality, it takes time and begins little by little, at the top. 

Empower with Mastery, Autonomy, and Purpose:

Creating an environment that fosters employee engagement and satisfaction requires providing teammates with opportunities for mastery, autonomy, and a sense of purpose. Do your systems provide the training and opportunities people need to advance their expertise while giving them the proper amount of freedom? Where are the bottlenecks hampering progress? Instill and the Culture Operating System™ we provide supports organizations in empowering their employees, allowing them to grow, contribute, and find meaning in their work.

Consequences of Failing to Build a Strong Culture:

When organizations neglect the crucial step of building a strong culture, they face numerous adverse outcomes. These include high employee churn rates, decreased productivity, limited innovation, increased burnout, negative brand perception, and higher client turnover. Failing to build a healthy culture can have significant detrimental effects on overall organizational success.

On the other hand, when organizations prioritize and execute the build phase correctly, they reap numerous benefits. Teams accomplish goals faster and under budget, navigate challenges more effectively, improve client interactions, enhance their brand, attract top-tier talent, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.


Building a strong organizational culture is an ongoing journey that requires intentional efforts and commitment. By leveraging the insights gained from measuring culture and adopting the strategies provided by Instill through our Culture Operating System™, organizations can cultivate a thriving culture that fuels success. By investing in culture, organizations unlock the potential for higher employee engagement, increased productivity, innovation, and resilience, ultimately positioning themselves for long-term growth and prosperity.